Photograph by Pete Davy
Fuju MX-2700 Digital Camera
The PML AMRAAM 3 is a 3 inch (75mm) diameter, flying scale replica of an AMRAAM (Air launched Medium Range Air to Air Missile).
AMRAAMs are normally fitted to pylons on modern combat aircraft, and are powered by a solid rocket motor. The AMRAAM has 4 rear fins, with 4 small guide fins approximately half way along the length of the vehicle. On the PML AMRAAM scale replica, all 8 fins are fixed in position and are not moveable. The 4 rear fins are fitted through the wall of the airframe tube, and the 4 small forward fins are surface mounted.
The PML AMRAAM 3 is the middle of the range of PML AMRAAM flying, scale replicas, with a smaller AMRAAM 2 (2 inches diameter), and a larger AMRAAM 4 (4 inches diameter) also available.

Photograph by Pete Davy
Fuju MX-2700 Digital Camera
As it comes, the PML AMRAAM 3 is fitted with a 29mm - 54mm Quick-Switch motor adaptor, to enable 29mm to 54mm solid rocket motors to be flown, from F-class to J-class total impulse (40 Newton seconds to 1280 Newton seconds), enabling altitudes anywhere up to 8000 feet (2424 metres) to be reached (on a 54/1280 cased Aerotech solid rocket motor). At the lower end of the motor range (F-class and G-class), a motor with a short ejection delay is advisable, since the rocket is reasonably heavy.
Flight Characteristics
The PML AMRAAM 3 flies stably, even on smaller mid power G-class solid rocket motors. At the lower power end, obviously it would be wise to launch the rocket in calmer wind conditions, but it does fly well.
On I-class and J-class Cesaroni Pro-38 solid rocket motors, the PML AMRAAM 3 flies very well, with a pretty much arrow straight vertical flight profile.

Photograph by Pete Davy
Fuju MX-2700 Digital Camera
The rocket is fitted with a PML piston system to deploy the main, 34 inch diameter parachute (single stage recovery).
Rather than tying the parachute to the attachment point on the rocket, I have added a Quick-link to the attachment point. The Quick-link can be unscrewed to allow the parachute shroud lines to be attached to it. This has the advantage of allowing a parachute to be packed before launch, and with the shroud lines placed neatly within the parachute itself - this way, the chance of the parachute deploying successfully is improved.
Note: Contrary to popular belief, as with many other of my rockets, recovery of this rocket on each of its flights, has been flawless - as evidenced by this photograph!
See Also
PML AMRAAM 3, PML Patriot, LOC Caliber, LOC IV, PML Phobos, Blitzspear, Hytest, Get Real